Closed Projects

International Competitive Projects

  1. iReλ 4.0 - Intelligent Reliability 4.0. Grant agreement No 876659. Call: ECSEL-2019-1-IA. May 2020 – May 2023.
  2. ALARM - Multi-hazard Monitoring and Early Warning System. Grant agreement No 891467. Horizon 2020. Call: H2020-SESAR-2019-2 (SESAR 2020 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH). Nov 2020 – May 2023.
  3. ISOBAR - Artificial Intelligence Solutions to Meteo-Based DCB Imbalances for Network Operations Planning. Grant agreement No 891965. Horizon 2020. Call: H2020-SESAR-2019-2 (SESAR 2020 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH). May 2020 – Dec 2022.
  4. FMP-Met - Meteorological uncertainty management for Flow Management Positions. Grant agreement No 885919. Horizon 2020. Call: H2020-SESAR-2019-2 (SESAR 2020 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH). May 2020 – Dec 2022.
  5. FlyATM4E -Flying Air Traffic Management for the benefit of environment and climate. Grant agreement No 891317. Horizon 2020. Call: H2020-SESAR-2019-2 (SESAR 2020 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH). May 2020 – Dec 2022.
  6. START – a Stable and resilient ATM by integrating Robust airline operations into the network. Grant agreement No 893204 Horizon 2020. Call: H2020-SESAR-2019-2 (SESAR 2020 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH). May 2020 – Dec 2022.
  7. NewControl Integrated, Fail-Operational, Cognitive Perception, Planning and Control Systems for Highly Automated Vehicles. H2020-ECSEL. 2019-2022.
  8. AHTools -Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions). H2020-ECSEL (Grant Agreement No 826452). 2019-2022.
  9. TBO-Met – Meteorlogical Uncertainty Management for Trajectory Based Operations. Funded by the European Comission under call H2020-SESAR-2015-1. 2016-2018.

National Competitive Projects

  1. INTELMET-PoC – Prediccion de Tormentas Inteligente para Aviacion. Convocatoria 2022 - Proyectos Pruebas de Concepto. 2022-2025.
  2. MetATS – Managing meteorological uncertainty for a more efficient air traffic system. RTI2018-098471-B-C32. CONVOCATORIA 2018 DE PROYECTOS I+D+i «RETOS INVESTIGACIÓN» DEL PROGRAMA ESTATAL DE I+D+i ORIENTADA A LOS RETOS DE LA SOCIEDAD- MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA, INNOVACIÓN Y UNIVERSIDADES. 2019-2021.
  3. OPT-Met – ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF AIRCRAFT TRAJECTORIES UNDER THE EFFECTS OF METEOROLOGICAL UNCERTAINTIES. Ref.: TRA2014-58413-C2-2-R. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, General Direction of Science and Innovation. 1/1/2015 – 31/12/2018. Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016

Regional Competitive Projects

  1. MFoC – The project Madrid Flight on Chip (MFoC) is a research and innovation project funded by Comunidad de Madrid and the European Union. Ref.: HUBS 2018 / MadridFlightOnChip. 2019-2021.


  1. PROSTEP IVIP. Prototype Linking Requirements to FMI Package (2022). 10/2022-12/2022
  2. BOEING AEROSPACE SPAIN, SL. SSOW - BAS - UC3M - MBSE 2022 Q1-Q4. 05/2022-11/2022
  3. PROSTEP IVIP. Prototype Linking Requirements to FMI Package (2021). 09/2021-12/2021
  4. BOEING AEROSPACE SPAIN, SL. MBSE_Digital_Thread_and_Data_Standards2021Q1-Q4. 03/2021-11/2021
  5. BOEING AEROSPACE SPAIN, SL. 2CES MBSE Data Standards - 2020 Q1-Q4 - BRTE. 03/2020-11/2020
  6. The Reuse Company. Cátedra TRC-Research. 02/2019-02/2023
  7. CEDRION. El control y seguimiento de pruebas de dispositivos de plasma para refrigeración en drones. 08/2019-02/2020.Also as Principal Investigator.
  8. Airbus. Dynamic Operation Under Uncertainty. 01/2019-12/2019. Also as Principal Investigator.
  9. BOEING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY EUROPE, S.L.U.. Asistencia técnica en el proyecto INES 2- Innovación en el desarrollo de sistemas electrónicos para aeronáutica. 02/2018-02/2019
  10. BOEING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY EUROPE, S.L.U.. INES - Innovación en el Desarrollo de Sistemas Electrónicos para Aeronáutica. 05/2017-12/2017.
  11. BOEING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY EUROPE, S.L.U.. Service Contract For Supoorting Br&T-E In The Development Of Advanced. 10/2017-12/2017.
  12. Crida. Analisis De Viabilidad De Operaciones Independientes Entre Las Arribadas A La Pista 18l Y Los Despegues Por La 14r En Configuracion Sur Del Aeropuerto Adolfo Suarez-Madrid Barajas. 07/2015-06/2020.
  13. SENASA. Servicios en el área de la gestión del tráfico aéreo. 04/2016-03/2017.